Составил А.Ю. Суслов,
при участии К.Н. Морозова и А.П. Новикова.
Указатель основных работ
8. Исследования на иностранных языках
- Andreev C. Russia abroad: Prague and the Russian Diaspora, 1918-1938. – New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2004. – 246 p.
- Berk S.M. The democratic counterrevolution: Komuch and the civil war on the Volga // Canadian –
American Slavic Studies. – 1973. - № 4. - P.443-459.
- Brovkin V. Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movements in Russia,
1918 – 1922. – Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1994. – 455 p.
- Burbank J. Waiting for the people's revolution: Martov and Chernov in revolutionary Russia 1917-1923
// Cahiers du monde russe et sov. - P., 1985. - Vol. 26. - № 3/4. - P. 375-394.
- Cinella E. The tragedy of the Russian Revolution. Promise and default of the Left-Socialist
Revolutionaries in 1918 // Cahiers du monde russe. – P., 1997. – Vol.38, № 1/2. – P.45-82.
- Cross T.B. Viktor Chernov. Reason and Will in a Morality for Revolution. Ph. D. Diss. – Bloomington,
1968. – 331 р.
- Hafner L. Die Partei der linken Sozial-Revolutionare in der russische Revolution 1917/1918. –
Koln-Weimar-Wien: Bohlau Verlag, 1994. – 816 s.
- Hafner L. The assassination of count Mirbach and the “July uprising” of the Left-Revolutionaries in
Moscow, 1918 // The Russian review. – Vol.50. – 1991. – P.324-344.
- Hildermeier M. Die Sozialrevolutionare Partei Russlands: Agrarsozialismus und Modernisieruhg im
Zarenreich (1900 – 1914). – Koln; Wien: Bohlau, 1978. – 458 s.
- Hildermeier M. Geschichte der Sowjetunion, 1917-1991: Entstehung und Niedergang des ersten
sozialistischen Staates. – Munchen: Beck, 1998. – 1206 s.
- Jansen M. A Show Trial under Lenin: The Trial of the Socialist Revolutionaries, Moscow 1922. – The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982. – 232 p.
- Jansen M. Een showproces onder Lenin: het voorspel van de Grote Terreur / Marc Jansen. – Haarlem: De
Haan, 1980. – 263 p.
- Jansen M. Government partners of the Bolsheviks: The Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in the Far
Eastern Republic, 1920-22 // International Review of Social History. – 1983. - № 3. – Р.296-303.
- Kenez P. [Rec.]: Щетинов Ю.А. Крушение мелкобуржуазной контрреволюции в Советской России, конец
1920-1921 г. – М., 1984 // American Historical Review. – Vol.90. – 1985. - № 3. – P.740-741.
- Lyandres S. The 1918 attempt on the life of Lenin: a new look on the evidence // Slavic Review. –
1989. – V.48. - № 3. – Р.432-448.
- Melancon M. The Socialist-Revolutionary Party (SRs), 1917 – 1920 // The Critical Companion to the
Russian Revolution, 1914-1921. – London, Sydney, Auckland, 1997. – P.281-290.
- Radkey O.H. The Sickle under the Hammer: The Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in the Early Months of
Soviet Rule. – N.Y.; L.: Columbia University Press, 1963. – 525 p.
- Radkey O.H. The unknown Civil War in Soviet Russia: A study of the Green movement in the Tambov
region, 1920-1921. – Stanford: Hoover institution press, 1976. – 457 p.
- Raleigh D. [Rec.]: В.М.Чернов: человек и политик. Материалы к биографии / Сост.А.П.Новиков. – Саратов:
Изд-во “Аквариус”, 2004 // The Russian Review. – 2005. – Vol.6. - № 1. – P.146-147.
- Rupp S.Z. Conflict and crippled compromise: Civil-War politics in the East and the Ufa State
Conference // Russian review. – 1997. - Vol. 56. - № 2. - P. 249-264.
- Rupp S.Z. The struggle in the east: opposition politics in Siberia, 1918 / Susan Zayer Rupp. -
Pittsburgh: Center for Russian and East European Studies, 1998. - 56 p.
- Shub D. The trial of the SRs // Russian review. – 1964. - № 4. – P.362-369.
- Smele J. Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918 – 1920. –
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. – 759 p.
- Smith S. The Party of Socialists-Revolutionaries in the Russian Civil War (1917-1920). Ph. D. Diss. –
Harvard, 1995.
- Smith S. The Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Dilemma of Civil War // The Bolsheviks in Russian
society: the revolution and the civil wars / Ed. by V.Brovkin. – New Haven and London, 1997. – P.83-104.
- Sossinsky S.B. Pages from the life and work of an SR leader a reappraisal of Victor Chernov. Ph. D.
Diss. – Boston, 1995. – 303 р.